Eugenia Perez Ojeda at SFB953: Exploring Carbon Nanostructures

We’re excited to highlight Eugenia Perez Ojeda’s participation at the recent SFB953 symposium, where she delivered an engaging talk on “Carbon Cyclophanes and Cages for Supramolecular Interactions.” Eugenia’s expertise and commitment in the realm of carbon nanostructures continue to drive pioneering advancements in this field.

Eugenia also proudly showcased the groundbreaking work of one of her students, Florian Steiger, whose poster presentation on “Carbon Nano-Onions” garnered substantial attention. This innovative research, conducted in collaboration with Wolfgang Peukert, holds considerable relevance for FAU Solar due to its focus on the automated synthesis of nanoparticles.

Stay tuned for more updates on our pursuit of groundbreaking research and transformative discoveries in the field of carbon nanostructures!