DIPHER 2022 – Diversity in physics for the diversity of physics – Erlangen

DIPHER 2022 – Diversity in physics for the diversity of physics – Erlangen

The FAU Physics Department is renowned for its extensive array of research topics, ranging from soft matter physics to the physics of the universe and the interaction of light and matter. However, the true strength of the department lies not only in its research diversity but also in the diversity of its community members. DIPHER 2022, an event that recently took place, brought these two facets together, intertwining discussions on physics with those on gender and diversity, all while offering engaging workshops and panel discussions.

The event featured invited talks that spanned a wide spectrum, providing attendees with a comprehensive introduction to various research areas within physics. Moreover, speakers also shared their personal experiences related to gender and diversity, shedding light on the importance of these aspects in the field of physics.

One of the remarkable aspects of DIPHER 2022 was its inclusive approach, welcoming participants from all academic levels – from undergraduate students to esteemed professors. This inclusivity was a testament to the event’s overarching goal: to heighten awareness of gender and diversity considerations in everyday academic life and create a platform for open discussions and knowledge exchange across all levels of academia.

DIPHER 2022 was a collaborative effort, organized by the FAU Physics Department, the Physics Diversity Network PHYDINE, and the Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Light (MPI). It also received contributions from various partners, including TRR QuCoLiMa (Quantum Cooperativity of Light and Matter), the former Cluster Engineering of Advanced Materials, the Forschungsgruppe eRO-Step, and the Elite Graduate Programme Physics Advanced.

In recognition of their outstanding efforts, the organizing committee of DIPHER 2022, including our FAU Solar Member Ana Smith, was honored with the Renate-Wittern-Sterzel-Prize for their exceptional work in organizing this conference. This award demonstrates the university leadership’s commitment to supporting the DIPHER-22 conference and its pivotal role in advancing the topics of gender and diversity within the Faculty of Sciences.

This event was a shining example of how the academic community can come together to not only delve into the exciting realms of physics but also address important issues related to gender and diversity. DIPHER 2022 fostered an environment of learning, sharing, and collaboration, reinforcing the notion that diversity in both research and the researchers themselves is essential for the advancement of physics. We look forward to future editions of this important conference and the positive impact it will continue to have on the field.

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